14 Occupational Therapy Locations

  • Located in Denver & Colorado Springs
  • Highly Skilled Therapists
  • Flexible Appointment Times

Hand & Upper Extremity Occupational Therapy

Orthopedic Centers of Colorado Occupational Therapy Services are dedicated to restoring your independence and enhancing your quality of life following orthopedic injuries or conditions. Our team of skilled occupational therapists specializes in addressing the functional challenges that arise from musculoskeletal issues, helping you regain confidence and autonomy in your daily activities.

At our facilities, we believe in a holistic approach to orthopedic occupational therapy, focusing not only on physical rehabilitation but also on optimizing your ability to engage in meaningful occupations. Whether you’re struggling with tasks at home, work, or in the community, our goal is to equip you with the skills and strategies needed to overcome barriers and live life to the fullest.

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Comprehensive Therapy Offerings

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy focuses on helping individuals participate in meaningful daily activities (occupations) despite physical, cognitive, or emotional challenges.

The goal of occupational therapy is to enhance independence, productivity, and quality of life by improving clients’ abilities to perform activities of daily living (ADLs), work-related tasks, and leisure activities.

Occupational therapists use a holistic approach, incorporating activities, adaptive equipment, environmental modifications, and therapeutic interventions to address physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and sensory aspects of functioning.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy primarily focuses on restoring movement and function to individuals who have experienced injury, illness, or disability.

The goal of physical therapy is to alleviate pain, improve mobility, restore function, and prevent further injury or disability for the patient.

Physical therapists use various techniques such as exercise, manual therapy, modalities (e.g., heat, cold, electrical stimulation), and education to help patients regain strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Sports Performance

Sports performance therapy, or sports rehabilitation, focuses on optimizing athletic performance, preventing injuries, and facilitating the safe return to sports activities after injury.

The goal is to enhance athletic performance, prevent injuries through education and conditioning, and rehabilitate athletes following injuries to restore optimal function and prevent recurrence.

Sports performance therapists use a combination of exercise prescription, sport-specific training, biomechanical analysis, injury prevention strategies, manual therapy, and performance enhancement techniques to address the unique needs of athletes.

Services Offered

Functional Assessment and Goal Setting

  • Comprehensive evaluation of your functional abilities, including activities of daily living (ADLs), work-related tasks, and leisure pursuits.
  • Collaborative goal setting to identify priorities and establish a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Training

  • Training in essential self-care tasks such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and meal preparation.
  • Adaptive techniques and assistive devices to facilitate independence and safety in performing ADLs.

Workstation Ergonomics and Rehabilitation

  • Assessment of your workstation setup and ergonomic factors contributing to musculoskeletal discomfort or injury.
  • Recommendations for ergonomic modifications and proper body mechanics to prevent further strain and promote productivity.

Joint Protection and Energy Conservation Techniques

  • Education on joint protection strategies to minimize stress on arthritic or injured joints during daily activities.
  • Training in energy conservation techniques to manage fatigue and optimize efficiency in completing tasks.

Splinting and Orthotic Management

  • Custom fabrication of splints or orthotic devices to support and stabilize injured or unstable joints.
  • Instruction in the proper use and care of splints to maximize their effectiveness in promoting healing and function.

Home Modification and Adaptive Equipment Training

  • Assessment of your home environment to identify barriers to independence and safety.
  • Recommendations for home modifications and assistive equipment to enhance accessibility and facilitate participation in daily activities.

Our Approach To Providing Care

Expertise & Experience

  • Our team of occupational therapists specializes in orthopedic rehabilitation and has extensive experience in helping individuals overcome functional limitations.

Patient-Centered Care

  • We prioritize your goals, preferences, and unique circumstances, ensuring that our treatment approach is tailored to meet your individual needs and aspirations.

Collaborative Approach

  • We work closely with your healthcare team, including physicians, physical therapists, and other specialists, to ensure coordinated care and optimal outcomes.

Empowerment & Support

  • We are committed to empowering you with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to take control of your orthopedic health and live life to the fullest.

Occupational Therapy Locations